Westside Community Schools

Searchable Staff Directory

ABC Building
909 S. 76th St.
Omaha, NE 68114
402-390-2136 fax

Hillside 402-390-6450, Loveland 402-390-6455, Oakdale 402-390-6460, Paddock Road 402-390-6465,
Prairie Lane 402-390-6470, Rockbrook 402-390-6475, Sunset Hills 402-390-6480, Swanson 402-390-6485,
Westbrook 402-390-6490, Westgate 402-390-6495, Middle School 402-390-6464, High School 402-343-2600

Enter your information in the appropriate space. If you do not find the individual you are searching for try refining your entered fields. (Hint: If you are looking for "Robert" he might be listed as "Rob" or "Bob"...so try various options.)
PLEASE NOTE: This is an "and" search. It will try to find everything you enter within a single entry.

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